The end is in sight! Sometimes it seems as if the next few weeks are going to be the longest of my life! The more I feel Jellybean's little back, butt, knees, feet and hands the more I just want him to be here right now! Sleeping has not be that great for me lately, but then I guess I'll be more prepared for when Jellybean arrives right?!
I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks great. It seems as if Jellybean had his growth spurt back around 20 weeks and now he is growing at a "normal" rate. He is around 4 -4 1/2 pounds right now and expected to be around 7 lbs. when he is born. I was THRILLED to hear that! I was not looking forward to delivering a big baby!
We've been to our Childbirth class and have the nursery all ready. Now I'm just looking forward to my showers coming up and taking care of all the gifts from those. Everyday I meditate upon the awesomeness of God. I hope I never loose sight of what an AMAZING miracle God has brought into our lives.
I've been doing a lot of thinking and studying upon what kind of mother I want to be. I've had the blessing of being able to watch many godly women raise their kids throughout the years. There is one mother who sticks out to me: my mom. My mom and I are best friends so of course I've always looked up to her. The closer I get to physical motherhood though the more I stand in amazement of my mom. I seriously think she would be a great mentor for many young mom's out there. She has always shown such sacrifical, selfless love (in otherwords TRUE love). She raised 5 children, homeschooled the 3 oldest K-12th, makes wonderful homecooked meals, bought clothes etc. for us often leaving no money for herself, thought of the neatest crafts and outdoor excersions all throughout the year (don't remember her complaining about coming out and playing with us in the snow), and through it all always made us laugh. In fact in a day when I hear so many young mom's complain about this hardship or that hardship of motherhood I think of my mom. What stands out the most about my mom is that she is full of JOY because she knows where true JOY comes from:
Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.
In highschool and college my friends would always tell me "You have the coolest mom." Yep I do.