Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Family Shower ~ April 10

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures at the actual shower. I had been up since 4:00am and I hadn't been able to take a nap and it was a warm day so I was exhausted and really swollen by the time I got to the shower. I still had a GREAT time though! I have LOVED being close to my family during this time. Most of my aunts, uncles, cousins, great-aunts, great-uncles, on both my mom's and dad's side live within a 5 mile radius of where I grew up so family had always been an important part of my life. I have LOTS of fond memories with not only my 1st cousins but also my 2nd and 3rd cousins. It was really awesome to see how God provided almost everything else I needed by leading my family to get just the right gifts. Today I am going to have fun washing all of the clothes and then making my list to purchase the things I need to have on hand before JB arrives.
My Grandma C. is THEE expert when it comes to sewing. She has made all of her grandchildren heirloom quilts and she has made every great-grandchild a quilt following this pattern "The Log Cabin."
The back is John Deer flannel. JB will love it! She also made a matching burp cloth, bibs, and a stuffed frog. Yes she is one dear and talented Grandma!

I am now full-term! 37 Weeks! Praise the Lord!

Here I am in all of my swollen glory! Jeff asked me the other day if I was going to miss being pregnant. To be totally honest, no at this point I am ready to be done. I am definitely learning the truth of what one of my friends told me a long time ago...the last month is so miserable so that you actually look forward to labor and delivery. Actually it isn't that terrible, but it is definitely not heavenly!

I had an ultrasound on March 31st and they thought that Jellybean is 7lbs. 3oz. Which means he could be around 9lbs. when he is born. Definitely a healthy "little" guy! I'll have another ulstrasound next week to see if he actually growing at that rate. I'm just praying that I will go into labor naturally and soon! Judging by his movements the little man does not have a whole lot of room in there! We are so ready to meet him!

Church Shower March 18, 2010

The scrumptious cake Bonnie made.The diaper cake Diana made.

There were strollers filled with jellybeans all over the table! :-)
As always the ladies at GIRBC were soooo generous! Not only did I get a great variety of clothes and nursery essentials, but I also received my travel system!
       Some of my dear friends who hosted the shower.
One of the games they played was trying to guess how big around I was by tearing off toilet paper squares. It was HILARIOUS to see all of the shenanigans they pulled trying to figure out how big I was. Since I'm the only pregnant woman at GIRBC right now a lot of people think that I am "so big." They've been waiting for me to pop for about two months now! :-) Much to everyone's suprise I am ONLY 11 squares big! LOL!